A senior Cabinet minister has confirmed that

Ahbr0xE4yrR4pQFgFm98-1-afg7j-150x150 A senior Cabinet minister has confirmed that

Sir Keir Starmer’s largest personal donor once held a security pass to Downing Street. Pat McFadden, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, revealed that Lord Alli was granted the pass after Labour’s election win, though it has since been revoked.

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Downing Street passes, which allow unrestricted access to No. 10, are typically reserved for staff and families residing there. It is unusual for anyone not officially employed as a political adviser or civil servant to receive such a privilege or to host events at the location.

Lord Alli, a wealthy TV executive and former investment banker, spearheaded Labour’s fundraising efforts for the general election, contributing £500,000 to the party since 2020. He also donated nearly £55,000 to Sir Keir for clothing, eyewear, and private office expenses. Following the election, he organized a reception in the Downing Street garden for those who financially supported Labour’s successful campaign.

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